On Quieter Times
The pop group Herman’s Hermits used to sing “🎼 There’s a kinda hush all over the world….”🎹
January & February are hush months , even though there is so much activity incubating deep underground, & inside of Mother Nature.In fact the success of Spring depends upon this cycle, & time of change & rest from external activity.
Our culture has learned to ignore & command the Seasons of nature ; & set its expectations & demands such that we should be on a productivity & activity level which is the same , regardless of season , weather, light- cycle or temperature.
This is daft 😏-Don’t fall for it !
If you really must “DO Somethhng” after the communal enforced crazy-busyness of the Festive Season ; do the ‘Bin -a -bag -for -30 days ‘challenge , to exorcise the restless , edgy feelings that the quiet of winter descends.(You throw out/ recycle/give away , a bag of any size full of your excess stuff : Clothes/books/household/old paperwork / junk .
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a tiny freezer /food bag; shopping carrier right up to big bin bag – EVERY single day for a month .
This can help to alleviate the restless itch we may experience as we begin to change gears & surrender to gravity & the pull of the Natural World.
•Commit to reading an inspirational book a month.
•Commit to long candlelit soaks in the bath slathered in some of those Christmas gifts.
•Commit to the invention of a new soup combination .🍵(I discovered Beetroot, Heinz Beans , tinned Tomatoes & pickles onions combine well , whilst snowed in with an almost bare cupboard last year 😉
•Commit to sitting soft & quiet for more extended periods , just because you can .
•Rediscover your music collection : take time to sit down & really listen to some of it .Sing a long 🎤.Feel the vibes.Dance 💃🏽.
• Find a beautiful journal & write poetry ; or the story of you ; or keep a feelings log & rediscover yourself.
•Take time to check on others who’ve been unwell – lots of post-viral bunnies around who may be feeling low .Slow down & give them your time , or help.
• But mostly commit to changing gear , & don’t force your body into creating illness as a way to put the brakes on you & save you from yourself.
• Love yourself this winter.Love winter .She is a very special season with an awful lot to teach us .❤️⛄️☔️💨❄️⛸⛷